Registration for our Workshops
with Keila & Ariadna
is open!

Our Price Philosophy

If we were millionaires, we would pay the Tango teachers really well and make the workshops free of charge for all the dancers. Sadly, in real life, we have to balance these two contrary strivings: On the one hand, we want the workshops to have a proper price to support the Tango teachers and value their art since a lot of them chose a life where Tango is their only source of income. On the other hand, we think that learning Tango should be affordable for everybody, no matter how much they earn, and we would love to keep the prices as low as possible. This year we deal with this conflict by following a new strategy: We offer different price classes, leading you to make the moral decision yourself.

Please note that we are a non-profit project. We don't earn anything with Tango Fluido. After we have covered our costs (room rent etc) all the money goes directly to the teachers.

Benefactor Price CHF 45 per Workshop

If you have a stable income and would like to support the teachers and honour their art, then we suggest you pay the Benefactor Price. CHF 45 is the going rate for Tango Workshops with international teachers in Zürich; if you can afford it, go for it.

Compromise Price CHF 35 per Workshop

If you have a stable income but money is still scarce, then we suggest the Compromise Price. Also, if you are not sure if you should attend the workshop, then take this offer as a yes to give it a shot.

Solidarity Price CHF 25 per Workshop

If you are a student, a person with an irregular or no income or a Tango Lover who, for some reason, is in a tight spot financially, we offer the Solidarity Price of CHF 25. We trust that you only pick this category if any of the mentioned scenarios apply to you.

Register for our upcoming Workshops

Please leave us your details and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. During the workshops we usually take some pictures. The few best ones will be put on our website and on instagram/facebook. If you don't want to be on any photo please let us know in the "Message" section of the form and we will make sure that we photograph around you :)